This is a Journal entry by Lyns
Sunday 10 December
Lyns Started conversation Dec 10, 2000
Tonight I'm going to play skittles and drink beer in a great pub in Edinburgh called the Sheep's Heid Inn. Actually it's in Duddingston -the part of Edinburgh near Arthur's Seat (big extinct volcano for anyone that's not been there). Anyway - it's like very low-tech 10 pin bowling. You can pay for two local schoolboys to set the skittles back up for you. (I've heard they actually run an scam where - for the right amount of money - they'll set the skittles up in such a way that makes it either easy or difficult to knock them over - clever!) Obviously none of that sort of thing will be going on tonight.
Check out the Sheep's Heid if you're ever in the area - it also does a mean Sunday roast (in the posh bit of the pub upstairs).
Sunday 10 December
Babel17 Posted Dec 11, 2000
Did you win?
A most excellent pub, one, unfortunately I have not been to in many a year (all my friends from that area have moved away, so little reason to go) still, good fun though. They also have skittles in the Corstorphine Inn too.
Sunday 10 December
Lyns Posted Dec 11, 2000
Yes - or at least our team did! I just played one round cos I had an early flight this morning - not so good
. Hope you're impressed by my smileys! The Sheep's Heid has got a great atmosphere - eating scampi and chips out of a basket, drinking beer and so on. I've never played in Corstorphine.
Sunday 10 December
Babel17 Posted Dec 12, 2000
Actually, neither have I I was there last year around about this time, and it was hilarious watching the office party people, who were there, trying to roll this huge ball down this battered woodedn lane, whilst heavily under the alcoholic influence. Made us laugh anyway.
Enjoy your night tonight
Sunday 10 December
Lyns Posted Dec 12, 2000
Ah - office parties - they are bizarre, aren't they? Does the
bank have a good one? The beeb is very fragmented - so... I've got the Imagineering party tonight in London ... the canteen Christmas lunch on Friday... the Features Christmas lunch on Monday followed by the Glasgow resources party... by the time it actually gets to Christmas, I'm a complete wreck!
Sunday 10 December
Babel17 Posted Dec 12, 2000
The Bank? Well, I never go to the Bank xmas night out on principal. Too expensive, useless food, naff venues. I have also managed to miss my department ones recently as I end up working
Still, this sunday should be good. Invariably it ends up a bunch of drunken lads (only 2 women work on our shifts), sitting in a pub, or trying to get some food quite late on. par for the course. I want to go to a proper 'office party' I hear thay can be fun. (Jesus, I sound so boring don't I
) but that's what happens in a nearly all-male work environment. In actual fact, to accomodate all of us, we are having to have 2 nights out.
Sunday 10 December
Lyns Posted Dec 12, 2000
I don't think I've ever been to a 'proper' office party either. You
hear a lot of stories - but the wildest ones are always attended by 'friend of friends' - maybe they're like urban myths and people don't really go round photocopying bits of themselves etc... although i did hear that a friend of friend.......!
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Sunday 10 December
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