Journal Entries

I'm an idiot and now everyone knows

Okay so I posted the same entry twice and now I can't delete it.

That'll teach me to be more patient!

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2000

VIP's Visiting Disasters

Whilst watching the news last night, it occured to me that whenever there's a disaster in the world, there's always some VIP or other who has to go and inspect the damage.

Why? What purpose does this serve? Do they help clean up?......NO Do they raise morale?.....I don't imagine so.
All they do is occupy space on transport that could be used to bring in relief equipment.

I've heard it said that they bring in media coverage which boosts donations to the relief organizations, but in my experience the media are usually there in force anyway. Let's face it there's nothing the media like more than a good disaster or crisis.

So does anyone know if there is a purpose, or are they just there to say "Ha Ha, you're flooded and I'm NOT", or maybe they're just there to get their face on our TV's (Surely not!)

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2000

VIP's Visiting Disasters

Whilst watching the news last night, it occured to me that whenever there's a disaster in the world, there's always some VIP or other who has to go and inspect the damage.

Why? What purpose does this serve? Do they help clean up?......NO Do they raise morale?.....I don't imagine so.
All they do is occupy space on transport that could be used to bring in relief equipment.

I've heard it said that they bring in media coverage which boosts donations to the relief organizations, but in my experience the media are usually there in force anyway. Let's face it there's nothing the media like more than a good disaster or crisis.

So does anyone know if there is a purpose, or are they just there to say "Ha Ha, you're flooded and I'm NOT", or maybe they're just there to get their face on our TV's (Surely not!)

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2000


Why is it that when you accept a new job, it seems to be everything you've ever wanted, but after a few months it turns into every other dead-end job you've ever had?

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Latest reply: Oct 31, 2000

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