This is a Journal entry by Spoot


Post 1


Why is it that when you accept a new job, it seems to be everything you've ever wanted, but after a few months it turns into every other dead-end job you've ever had?


Post 2

Is mise Duncan

I think you're right...perhaps Job Ads should have a "Best before:" date stamped on them?

A possible solution is to become a freelancer as in theory you get to switch jobs every 6 months or so...that said I've been here over 2 years now on a 6 month "contract".


Post 3


I shall have to seriously consider that.

As requested I have put up some info about me, I'll add to it as I find my feet


Post 4

Is mise Duncan

Perhaps this months "Talking Point" (link off the H2G2 front page) will sort us both out?

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