This is the Message Centre for Silly Willy

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Greetings and welcome to h2g2.
I am an unofficial but I am nice!smiley - tongueout
If you need any help anytime, make sure you ask!
Archangel Galaxy Babe

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 2

Silly Willy

Why thank you! I will, it's so nice to be made welcome! And by a most attractive Archangel. How do you do that tongue out thingy?

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 3


Welcome from behalf of the ACEs!! smiley - smiley I'm 'official' but I hope I still am nice too... smiley - winkeye

The tongue-out is done by typing:
: - P
without the spaces... smiley - tongueout

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 4

Silly Willy

Thank you smiley - tongueout
I ought to tell you that I knew GB before, from ICQ!
She told me about this site.
smiley - smiley

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 5

Silly Willy

I've discovered what ACEs do, but what about Gurus?

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 6


Ohhh no wonder this thread ended so soon then... Questions answered in ICQ... smiley - tongueout

Gurus concentrate on answering h2g2-related questions and helping with problems... Much like ACEing which makes it easy to be both... smiley - winkeye

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 7

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Well Willy - how Silly?

Hi, my "Handle" is Bassman, I am also an A.C.E. so I would like to take five to welcome you to H2G2. Officially I have to direct you to all the good places to find help if you need it, but it sounds like you've got your finger on the pulse already. (That saves me the embarassment of having to admit that I can't find the file with all the links saved in it!!)

So dude, what makes you tick?

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 8

Silly Willy

You thought Solar-powered-torches were silly, you ain't seen nothing yet!
Doulgas Adams makes me tick which is probably a good thing.
May ask what GAS is? smiley - smiley

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 9

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I take it you visited my homepage. You should have clicked on the G>A>S badge to find out. It's the Greebo Appreciation Society. Greebo is one affectionate and friendly feeline, go visit, you might become a mamber yourself.

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 10

Silly Willy

I'll do that.

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 11

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Greetings Silly Willysmiley - winkeye
*wonders if she will be added to the "seems to be nice" people on your homepagesmiley - bigeyes

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 12

Silly Willy

Hello, gosh I feel like quite a celebrity! Tell me more about yourself smiley - tongueout

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 13

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

I am Seven of Nine, Patron Saint of Empathy.
I also hold other titles; the Muse of Perfection and the Keeper of Seahorses. I am currently looking to expand my duties as I do not feel challenged enough. I have enjoyed my time so far on h2g2.

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 14

Silly Willy

Cool well welcome to my friend list! Anyone who asks can be on it I guess!

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 15

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Thank you!
I have just taken on my very first Guardee!smiley - smiley

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 16

Silly Willy

Gosh that sounds fun. One day someone will have to explain how this angel thing works!

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Would you like your own Guardian Angel?smiley - winkeye

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 18

Silly Willy

I've already been offered. Can I have two?

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 19

Silly Willy

I've already been offered. Can I have two?

Hello Silly Willy...!!!

Post 20

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Galaxy Babe,

Being as you are keeper of titles, what does one have to do to get a title. Do you have to become a Guardian Angel, or can you just think of somthing and adopt it? Having spent 16 1/2 years in the Royal Air Force, I always feel compelled to go through channels, as it were. You seemed like the person to ask.

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