I'm still lost

I have to confess to being lost.
I think I need a guide.smiley - bigeyes

A silver surfer who remembers listening to the first ever broadcast of HHGTTG in the car.

I arrived home and parked the car but found it imposible to turn the radio off!

I sat in the car for 10 to 15 minutes just listening.

Life was never the same again smiley - planet

An older gentleman in school uniform.
My past likes are: Swimming, Surfing, Windsurfing, Canoeing (I did a lot of that), snorkeling, Diving (used a twin hose regulator – that dates me) and I am now to be found in North Yorkshire miles from the sea. Lost!Swimming fish
My likes in Music got underway when I discovered Uncle Meat by Frank Zappa and the Mothers. I've Progressed(?) through Jazz, West Coast Sounds, Garage, Drum and Bass, and DJ Mixes I now listen to Radioio Ambient and J.A.Z.Z.M.U.S.I.Q.U.E on Winamp continuously. Lost!Viv Stanshall - lead singer of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.
I started computing when I built, well assembled, a Sinclair ZX80, the white one. Got a BBC Model B WhooHoo! and later added a Hard Disk to it. Assembled most of my PCs and played with Linux... and what do I do now - you've guessed I've a PC running Mr Gates's XP! Lost! Bored man at a computer

I + X + X + X + X + I


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An ACE G'day Rejjii ... May 27, 2005


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Things mothers say Aug 16, 2005 Sep 8, 2005


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Researcher U1578205


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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