This is the Message Centre for Witty Moniker

Post 1

Witty Moniker

Last night I dreamed I was happy. The kind of happy that radiates warmth from your chest. It was extraordinary.

Then I woke up. smiley - sigh

Post 2


smiley - sadface

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


Now I want to smiley - cuddle you! smiley - hug

lil x

Post 4

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - hug from me too Witty. Even with personal life things, it can be bad enough, but the national news here right now is just too unremittingly awful.

Cake all round

smiley - donutsmiley - cupcakesmiley - donutsmiley - cupcake

smiley - cappuccino

No Subject

Post 5

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I think, because you were able to dream it, you have it inside somewhere. Just remains to find it again smiley - smiley
smiley - towel

No Subject

Post 6

Witty Moniker

That's how I felt about it, Milla. It was a pleasant surprise. smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 7

You can call me TC

Having feelgood dreams does buck you up. Way down in your subconscious, you have a contented feeling. You can't explain where it comes from, till you remember you had that dream. You can't remember exactly what the dream was, but you can remember the nice warm feeling it gave you. And things in your conscious life seem less fraught, less stressful. So you benefit all round, life becomes more bearable.

PS - I noticed I had more of this kind of dream when I started taking Vitamin D. It seemed unnatural and I was scared I was going to get addicted to it, but then again, could there be any harm? It was only a gentle kind of contentedness - as you say Milla: it could have been lurking there anyway and was just lured out by the Vitamin D. Or was it artificially created by the Vitamin D, and does that make Vit D a dangerously hallucinative drug, or did it have nothing to do with the vitamin D at all?

If only the bloomin' sun would come out, we would all be more cheerful.

No Subject

Post 8

Witty Moniker

A sunny day would be a great start, anyway. smiley - winkeye And it's Friday, always a good thing.

Thanks for the support, all. As you can see, I rarely post journals. Nice to have you stop by.

smiley - cakesmiley - teasmiley - coffee

No Subject

Post 9

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I've had dreams something like that recently. Most lately I was interrupted while doing something repetitive, stressful and futile. I was led away, sat down on a couch, and hugged. And after I was awakened, even though it was by Snapping Gum Lady, I felt good.

No Subject

Post 10

You can call me TC

So could this be some kind of alien subliminial infiltration? People are starting to have these dreams (well, there are three of us already!) and either the aliens are coming in peace and trying to make us all contented and less cantankerous and dissatisfied, or they are lullling us into a peaceful frame of mind, to reduce our defences when they attack.

Hmmm - material for a scifi story there.......

No Subject

Post 11

You can call me TC

Damn - smiley - martiansmile I always get that one wrong!

No Subject

Post 12

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Jung would have called it a case of getting messages from the mass unconscious. Which is probably not smiley - aliensmile or even particularly occult, but just something in us that is wiser than our stressed-out and preoccupied conscious mind. I call it the dream maker. Most dreams are just housekeeping, the mind's way of clearing out psychic ballast for the coming day, but sometimes it really feels as if the dream maker reaches out and gives us something to think about after waking. smiley - rainbow

No Subject

Post 13

Witty Moniker

The feeling is fading now. I remember it on an intellectual level, but it's hard to actually ~feel~ it.

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