Max T

That's me, Max T - AKA Dreamslayer, Shroud, WearyTraveller and a whole host of other nicknames I've had over the years since I first got into BBS'ing oh-so many years ago.

Since the first time I logged onto my local BBS (about 14 years ago), the online community has continued to surprise me with the interesting and useful things, from teleconference (the much more intelligent and tolerable predecessor to modern "chat rooms"), to online games, to SIGs (newsgroups), and then the web came along and the idea of pictures along with online text just blew my mind.

Well, its done it again - an actual (in progress of course) online version of the HHGTTG is a pretty cool idea... and one I've seen tried in other versions but nowhere near as extensive or successful as this. Here's hoping that this version continues to grow and thrive and that MAYBE I can even add some helpful information.

Oh, and as for me - well I'll get to that a bit later. The quick and dirty for now is that I'm in Columbus, Ohio, USA at The Ohio State University. I'm studying in English and working in Computers - if you can figure that one out, please explain it to me... :)

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Welcome.. Oct 23, 2000
Hello Max! Oct 18, 2000


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Max T

Researcher U157188


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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