This is the Message Centre for Ant

A word in you ear...

Post 1

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Are you really an ant???

smiley - sadface WbB

A word in you ear...

Post 2


Actually I'm a strange combination of ant and rabbit smiley - winkeye

A word in you ear...

Post 3

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

What... like an anbit????

smiley - sadface WbB

A word in you ear...

Post 4


Well we usually know him as an antrabbit, but I suppose 'anbit' could be a cute nickname smiley - winkeye

A word in you ear...

Post 5

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Grrrr... Sounds a little odd to me, but then who am I to judge, the world is an odd place. That's life!!!

Grrrr... Life, don't talk to me about life!!!

smiley - sadface WbB

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