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I think I have found my little slice of happiness. The most amazing guy I have ever known is mine. And I want nothing more than to be with him right now. I miss him so much it hurts. I just want to be in his arms. Being there is like being in heaven if heaven exists. Falling in this even possible? I can't write anymore about makes me so emotional

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Latest reply: Nov 7, 2000


I am tired of being alone...I spend so much time alone. The only time I see people is at work. I come home and I hide behind this computer. Tonight I was supposed to be with friends. They were going to come over and help me out. Well of course they stood me up. Isn't that the usual deal with me? I get my hopes up and get hurt. It's that way in all aspects. All my friends are so far away I feel bad asking them to spend time with me. I can't drive. I cry too much and I hurt too much and Im too young to feel this bitter. I am too young to feel like my life is over...

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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2000

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