This is the Message Centre for Satan


Post 1

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

{sitting on a nonexistent sofa, in his nonexistent living room, feather boa wrapped around her head like a fluffy turban} Well, my dear, You haven't left anything here for us yet. But, seeing as I am omniscient as well as omnipresent, I expect to see strange and wonderful fluff in the near future. Are you taking it from your own navel? Or stealing it from the navels of others? Welcome to h2g2--feel free to pop on over to my place for a cosmicpolitan anytime. No prejudice, in my neighborhood. Ta ta! {disappears in a puff of smoke, feathers wafting slowly to the nonexistent ground} *cough* *hack* Hate those special effects...gotta find a better way of making a grand exit...

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