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Post 1

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Headed for your space and egads! The wonders of school libraries.

I read Kurt Vonnegut's Jailbird first, attempted to and smiley - wah lost interest. His short stories were pretty good though so I went and said why not and picked out another novel of his. Then it's slaughterhouse five and I was like, whoa, Dresdan! All of a sudden OMG, I fell in smiley - love with his creative writing, giggles and smiley - rofl.

Hmm, my family doesn't really understand how it is a book makes one laugh out loud, but here, I emitted many strange sounds anyhow. Another author I reserve my favourite ranks for is Joseph Heller, and again, he mentions what happened at Dresdan and the impact in Closing Time, sequel to his rather more notorious Catch-22 smiley - magic.

Why, here I am blithering again smiley - biggrin, but with a purpose in mind, at the moment I am on my second attempt since the New Years Resolution in writing a novel. I know, smiley - goodluck, right?


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