Journal Entries

Accidental Party

Sorry about the mistake. Liberty Bell 7 was Gus Grissom's space capsule. Just wanted to set the record straight. Saw the thing at the world's largest Children's Museum.

Now, about accidental parties...
Most of my best parties seem to happen without any planning. Tonight, Jason, Lori, and their 3 year old came by. Then Rick came over. Then Denise, Scott, and their dog VooDoo came over. Then Ron showed up. Instant party! (And to think I have one schedualled for the 27th!)

I have cable radio (Music Choice) so music is no problem. The party is still going, so that's it for now.

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2000

Liberty Bell 7 Arrives at the Children's Museum

Now that it is after midnight, it is Saturday, October 7,2000

The space capsule that carried John Glenn to orbit will go on display at the Children's Museum in Indianapolis. It is also the day of the Circle City Classic, a college football game. President Clinton is supposed to be in town for it. I will probably not see Clinton today. I will probably see the Liberty Bell 7 on Sunday with a friend.

My cat Selena has a vet appointment this morning at 10am. Good night.

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Latest reply: Oct 7, 2000

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