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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Nov 25, 2012
your online!
and I noticed...
Mmmm.... and now, for some strange inexplicible reason, I really fancy an extra large chicken shish kebab with tons of chili sauce, and plenty of salad (but no tomatos...)
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Captain Kebab Posted Dec 18, 2012
Arf - missed your post.
Well, I spotted it but it took me 3 weeks, which is quite nippy for me! I forget to check my personal space, and I've not really got to grips with this new layout thingie.
Still popping in and out and doing the occasional drive-by - my return period is slightly shorter than Nighthoover's!
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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Dec 19, 2012
I actually had a kebab on Sunday night, after seeing you post in a thread! (chicken, tons of salad, and two pots of chilli sauce to go with it, plus the compulsory potato fried products; spicey wedges rahter than chips for a change....)
I'm still in the old skin, using alabaster, and not using the new one much at the moment
It is but a matter of time before nighthoover's return... hmmm. 'nighthoovers return', good name for a pub...
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Captain Kebab Posted Dec 20, 2012
Not had a kebab since, erm, actually I know this, it was December 7, cos it was my work Xmas dinner so I had a big scoff at 3.00pm, then liquid refreshment was taken, and I came home on the trambulator at around midnight. And it's a 20 minute walk home from the tram stop, and there's a takeaway just outside, and it would just have been rude not to!
Very nice it was too, although I felt it wasn't quite as good as my local kebab shop.
I'd be willing to bet that there isn't currently a pub called the Nighthoover's Return. Gap in the market there...
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