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warm and welcoming
Eldendir Crowfoot Started conversation Feb 16, 2003
Hi C.K.,
Thanks for your welcome note. I've been down the shop and had the good ol' fry up and don't feel too bad all in all. Hope you are doing well too. I've put a little note in my own space and am just off to have a litle look around. I should really be off to B&Q or the like but this is far less strenuous than decorating with a mild hangover... ...maybe later. Maybe not.
warm and welcoming
Captain Kebab Posted Feb 16, 2003
- glad the hangover wasn't too taxing. I wasn't on the
last night, so feel alright, but the spousal unit just mentioned shelves, so I think I have my afternoon mapped out.
warm and welcoming
Eldendir Crowfoot Posted Feb 16, 2003
Ahha, I might be seeing you in Homebase then?
warm and welcoming
Captain Kebab Posted Feb 16, 2003
Naah - we've got the shelves - had them weeks! They've been sitting in the corner of the spare bedroom for weeks. At least I don't have to spend anything, I've already spent it.
I'm hoping that if I sit quietly typing away in the corner she'll forget about it.....
Nope, that's not going to happen, is it. I don't enjoy DIY, although I'm reasonably capable.
At least if you start decorating you'll know you're not the only one who's busy this Sunday.
warm and welcoming
Eldendir Crowfoot Posted Feb 16, 2003
Hi, sorry about the delay in replying. I was waiting for a mate to pop round with the ol' heat gun - paint stripper thing, industrial hair drier. Well, he has been and gone and I should still be popping to the homebase store but it's getting on now, ummm, could I be arsed? At least I have given you a chance to put up those shelves. I, like yourself, am quite capable but really don't enjoy it. Think it's more a two person persuit. How about you put them up extremely badly so that they are more art than shelves and hope you don't get asked again? Or is that too devious?
warm and welcoming
Captain Kebab Posted Feb 16, 2003
Don't worry about it - a delay in replying here on hootoo isn't an hour or two, it's a few days! You can tell who's actually online by the eyes next to their name. I've not been here, as you may have realised, but I wasn't putting up shelves - I fell asleep after my lunch!
I'd never get away with doing it badly - the Admiral knows I can put up shelves. I don't mind doing it, really - it's not like it's a big job. It's just that I always want to do it later. She rightly says that I should start it in the morning but I had other stuff to do this morning. And we have to go and see my mum in a bit, and we're going out tonight.
And next week I have to change the head gasket on the moggie - but I *will* do the shelves - honestly!
warm and welcoming
Eldendir Crowfoot Posted Feb 16, 2003
Of course you will, as I will get to Homebase, as it is now, really too late. I'm sure they close at four on a Sunday, but at least I've found a pleasent way of wasting my time which isn't sat in front of the mental chewing gum we call TV.
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warm and welcoming
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