Journal Entries


I am going now cos i am quite tired. I have decided that Ringo and Angela are going to join my new improved death star (2) and they will get a lovely sparkly badge ciao for now chaps and chappesses

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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2000


Righty ho I'll be going now

Today I
smiley - smiley Started up a singing group at school
smiley - smiley Had some more good worthwhile conversations
smiley - smiley Made up a 2nd Haiku -

Douglas Adams rocks
Hitckhiker's guide is mega
Soft lotus flower

(well, how else was I supposed to fit it in??)

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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2000

Au revoir

Right, decided I'm going to make a journal entry every time I sign out of here. What happened today was:
smiley - smileyI finally became a Muse
smiley - smileyNaffed about
smiley - smileyHad cool conversations with people
smiley - smileyWrote my first Haiku as a Muse
That is it. Bye chaps and I'll see you soon, on some planet or moon.....

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Latest reply: Oct 2, 2000


hi evrybody
I'm at school at the mo, not actually supposed to be on this website but never mind smiley - tongueout
I have perfected my evil laugh and I am recruiting crew to join me to take over the galaxy on the new all improved Death Star. You get a sparkly badge if you join which is a bonus.

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Latest reply: Oct 2, 2000


I'm going out now to do sum drama-ry type stuff so I'll see you lot soon - ciao for now
x whambamboo x

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Latest reply: Oct 1, 2000

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whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

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