This is the Message Centre for whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)


Post 1

ringo (it's not all right)


just been un the F&F and read your question about the drinks...
well, Menza explained most of it except for the straight lines

the problem is i work with a continental keyboard but i think we'll work it out.

try Alt Gr and < simultanously

Alt Gr is next right to 'space'
< is next right to shift

think this should be the same place on a british keyboard. Hope it'll help smiley - smiley

btw, good luck with Prince William smiley - winkeye



Post 2

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

I dont need luck with princey, I'll use my everlasting charm *ahem*

Thanks for the drinks thingy but it doesnt work. Sorry if I'm doing sumthing wrong. How do you do it on a continental keyboard, cos it might work?

How did you know I was British??

x whambamboo x

Do you like the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? I can play that *not very well* on the saxophone.


Post 3

ringo (it's not all right)

This post has been removed.


Post 4

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Cool!! Thanks for the words - Me and my mate are trying to start up a singing group and we are going to sing that. Do you all the words? could you tell them me if you do??
Dont matter about the drinks thing - I only ever have a g+t anyway.


Why dont girls want to marry him? He is luvverly


Post 5

ringo (it's not all right)

This post has been removed.


Post 6

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

You are a saviour!! Thankyou v.v.v.v. much for the words.
Aha!AHAHAHA! I have worked out the drinks thing - If you do Left Shift and the dotty/backward slash button next to it, you get this - |||||||||||||||||||||||||

g+t is indeed gin and tonic

My maths tutor says she used to fancy prince charles when she was younger

How surreal, but that definitely is a bad point. But the good pints are
Price William
Prince William
Prince William
Prince William

x whambamboo x

what does your hair look like?


Post 7

ringo (it's not all right)

glad you made it smiley - bigeyes

my hair's dark brown and curly, what about yours ?
it's been a good day, today smiley - smiley


Post 8

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

why has it been a good day?
Are you German and speak v. good english, used to live in Germany, Know a lot about German girls (heyhey) or just ...what?

My hair is actually a wig.
No, its green.
No, lying again, its short and old Drew Barrymore style, flicky and kinda browny blonde with little highlights at the front


Post 9

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

why has it been a good day?
Are you German and speak v. good english, used to live in Germany, Know a lot about German girls (heyhey) or just ...what?

My hair is actually a wig.
No, its green.
No, lying again, its short and old Drew Barrymore style, flicky and kinda browny blonde with little highlights at the front


Post 10

ringo (it's not all right)

indeed, i'm german but i lived in Cornwall for half a year (1997), i've been there as a practical trainee - excellent time smiley - smiley

sometimes i think i don't know anything about girls at all, either they're german or any other nationalty...

and it was a good day because i've met a beatiful girl at a concert last night, i have her number and she has mine... so let's see what will happen smiley - bigeyes
maybe i'll find out more about the female species and Steffi in particular smiley - winkeye


Post 11

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

good luck with the beautiful girl - is her name Steffi or is that someone else?? (heyhey)

Boys are the alien species to me as who knows why they go commando? Who knows why they find it funny to fart loudly in a public place? Who knows why they are just soo damn weird yet you cant live without them?
*sigh* life is insane


Post 12

ringo (it's not all right)

yes you're right, life is insane
and yes again, her name is Steffi

and there's nothing weird about the alien male species, just to change the point of view:

why does the female species never come out with the truth, i mean if you're interested why not showing it?
and if you have to fart, why not just do it - 'though, i have to admit, i try to avoid it in public smiley - winkeye

and a lot of us just go commando, because the female species expects us to do so. This may be weird but it works smiley - bigeyes


Post 13

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Girls/female species do come out with the truth, like - you are totally sexist!
Females do not expect you to go commando for Gods sake. Dont be daft we dont want you "hanging loose" do we? of course not. absolute rubbish smiley - tongueout
I do fart. Evryone farts, but just males go insane about it and they also eat foods to deliberately make them fart. Like curry and brussels and lager and bran and things like that. OKAY???

sorry, slightly streesed there. Steffi is quite an...unusual name, no?
Go! Visit the hairdresser, o gallant one! And have thy follicles trimmed into spikes of death! And spear this yonder Steffi maiden onto your spikes of love, as they will be transformed when you see her again, and your heart will melt along with the Gel of Yore!


Post 14

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

How do you change your nickname? I think I might change mine to "Trixie FooFoo Moonchild the 2nd, Muse of Suddenly Thinking About Tremendously Inspiring Haikus (Possibly About Lotus Flowers)" Hmmm... dilemma. I think I'll stick with Whambam, thankyou man...I mean, whambamboo


Post 15

ringo (it's not all right)

being totally sexist i definitely go for whambamthankyoumam smiley - winkeye

so if you want to be called like that just click on preferences on your personal space, change whatever you want, then update your details. There you can switch from the goo skin to the alabaster as well (i prefer goo)

and your at least as sexist as i am smiley - tongueout

btw, i hardly eat any curryand do not even now what bran is...
and i try to remember what the old Drew-Barrymore-style might look like. How old do you mean? Like in E.T. ?
smiley - bigeyes


Post 16

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

I am not sexist. I think blokes should have at least as many priveleges as us! smiley - winkeye
Im not saying every male eats curry, just a large percentage do. Bran is like cornflakes but brown and taste like cardboard covered in laxative.
God, you are sooooo funny. E.T? Ha diddly ha
NOOOOO as in "Never been kissed" and "The wedding singer"and stuff you daft broom
How about I change my name to sexist pig and then I'll be named after ringo??? Hmmmm... I wonder (only joking smiley - tongueout)


Post 17

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

I am not sexist. I think blokes should have at least as many priveleges as us! smiley - winkeye
Im not saying every male eats curry, just a large percentage do. Bran is like cornflakes but brown and taste like cardboard covered in laxative.
God, you are sooooo funny. E.T? Ha diddly ha
NOOOOO as in "Never been kissed" and "The wedding singer"and stuff you daft broom
How about I change my name to sexist pig and then I'll be named after ringo??? Hmmmm... I wonder (only joking smiley - tongueout)


Post 18

ringo (it's not all right)

at least now i know why i never tried bran...smiley - smiley
i like 'the wedding singer' especially the soundtrack
*starts singing 'video killed the radio star'*
ok then why don't you rename yourself as sexist pig - then i go for daft broom (had to look in the dictionary, to find out what it exactly means)

daft broom, daft broom, you're a daft broom
did you know Tom jones did this song for me?


Post 19

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

bran is manky
i like the wedding singer as well
yay! somebody else knows that song. i always sing it and nobody knows what i am going on about
i am not going to rename myself sexist pig.
i just made up that daft broom thing. wow, im in the dictionary!!!

no, it goes sex bomb sex bomb prince william's a sex bomb
but your version is cool as well


Post 20

ringo (it's not all right)

just look at Langenscheidts Dictionary

daft broom : dummer Besen

[created by whambamthankyoumam]

you're famous smiley - winkeye
so tell me, which version of video better?
the one of the wedding singer (the presidents of the USA)
or the original by the bubbles

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