This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Choral Society

Another one trapped...

Post 61

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

He was a most prolific poster... tis all I know of him, though... smiley - sadface

There's been too much leaving lately...

Another one trapped...

Post 62

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Ah, poor Will, I knew him not.
What was that about the 'h2g2 Sisters'? I like the sound of that... hmmm... *starts to rub hands together in slightly evil looking manner*

H2G2 sisters.

Post 63

You can call me TC

OK - we'll have to start another page for that, though.

Back to getting this choir moving - how about my suggestion that we have concentrated forum meetings say on Monday afternoons. If we set six hours a week for these subjects it should allow everyone from all time zones to fit in two of them at one end or another.

H2G2 sisters.

Post 64

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Herrrmmm.... Monday for who, though!?? That'll be Sunday for some of us... smiley - tongueout Maybe... smiley - smiley

I think it's a great idea!!! smiley - smiley

Another one trapped...

Post 65


Hi Silly Willy!
You are sure that Will Jenkins is *permanent* dead? A little boiling can't do that much harm! smiley - bigeyes

(Halloween-party post 855: "*BRIGHT LIGHTS beginr to flicker on...ALL mortals falli nto a deep and restful sleep...* "When you awake your soul we won't take and ye shall return to normal*POOF!!!")

And you are our new tenor replacing him?

* remembers that this choir is like the Hotel California ('We are programmed to recieve. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.') *

Hmmm... smiley - bigeyes

I'll gladly add your name to the page, but....

smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 66


I like the idea too. But I think that "someone" has to send out a letter for all the members... *looks at Trillian's Child* smiley - winkeye

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 67

You can call me TC

What idea - a fixed time for choir practice? OK I'll draft a nifty letter.

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 68

Silly Willy

I think I can guarantee that Will Jenkins is dead. In fact I keep asking for the user to be deleted but they don't seem to want to let me go smiley - smiley


Post 69

Silly Willy

This post has been removed.

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 70

You can call me TC

OK but you can do the technicalities of that. I should wait until at least 10 are interested.

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 71


The egroups/chatroom thing is a good idea, just one big problem for me though! I can't use it as long as I'm on this old old old computer. h2g2 is one of the few places that doesn't make my PC crash. smiley - sadface
(And I'm looking out in fear for the new updatings...)

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 72

You can call me TC

Yes, I've heard rumours about updates - where can we read up on the subject and give our comments?

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 73

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

The POST has articles on the updates. They look pretty smooth... smiley - smiley

If you don't have a handy POST link, there's one on my userpage, beneath the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM icon/link... I think...

Poor Ottox!!! I hope it doesn't effect you... smiley - sadface

I've all ready approaches Ottox about the opening of Calliope Stage in the Musehome... It should open in about two weeks... I'd like for the h2g2 Choir Society to perform or somehow be represented... I'll be happy to delay the opening more, if that'll give us time to prepare!!! smiley - smiley

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 74

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Like Dragonfly already said, where are all of us, and subsequently what day would we really have practice? I do like the idea of a certain time.
And that '' thing? Yes, very good, liking that!
Ooh, a performance? Wow, *eyes starting to get a little misty*, I'm really in a choir again... smiley - winkeye

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 75

Silly Willy

I have created an egroup, to subscribe send an email to here:
[email protected]
or go here:

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 76

Silly Willy

I have created an egroup, to subscribe send an email to here:
[email protected]
or go here:

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 77

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It's quite cool... and I left a post, but I don't know for sure if it went through... and yes, I did sign up and get approved and everything... smiley - tongueout

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 78

Silly Willy

It did get through smiley - smiley

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 79

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

HOORAY!!! I didn't try the Spanish version, though... smiley - smiley

Concentrated forum meetings

Post 80

You can call me TC

You spelled "affect" wrong - right at the top of the page.

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