How it got like this...

Here is my Story:
Once upon a time, the Land of the Light, and the Land of the Dark were separated by the Land of Primal Chaos, where I lived. Anything you could think of existed there if you but believed in it for a moment, and I *did* believe, and my belief gave life to the Chaos. The things I believed in nurtured me in return, until I and the Chaos were as one in the same.
At times, the Lord of the Light, and the Lord of the Dark sought to talk to each other, and as Chaos was the only place they could meet, I welcomed them both. Many times they talked, and could never resolve their differences, but one day as they were keeping their own counsel, they said unto each other, "Chaos has been courteous to us, and shown us great hospitality, we should repay it. The people of our lands have seven holes in their heads, with which to see, hear, smell and taste the world, but Chaos has none. Let us give unto it that which the least of our people has."
And so they looked around Chaos and saw that in all of it, I was the Thought that gave it life, so they took it that I was the head. They laid hands on me, and for the first time I was still. Not only was I still, but they caused me to fall into a deep sleep. Then the Lord of the Light, and the Lord of the Dark took turns boring holes in me, one each day, letting out much of my Chaos, and most of my Thought. Each day the Chaos shuddered, and part of it lost life, and became still, till on the seventh day it lost cohesion altogether and blew apart into the lands of Light and Dark.
I awoke in the land as you see it now, where the Light and Dark have rushed together. The land is not the formless, ever-moving patternless Primal Chaos of my youth, nor is it all selfless and still like Light, nor is it all decadent and destructive like the Dark. Now they are everywhere, and the forces between them instead of creating Primal Chaos, constantly create all things anew.
So I live as a man, soaking up this strange world through the roundabout way of my eyes and ears, nostrils and mouth, and trying with my limited senses, and what's left of my thought, to see the forces play between them. And I occasionally record my observaions in the Guide to check and see if other beings experience the world like I do at all.

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Hullo Nov 7, 2000


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