This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Wolf Pack

Post 61

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

The Alpha wolf stood his ground and won the battle.

smiley - fullmoon

Wolf Pack

Post 62

Lost Soldier Three-----Merry Christmas! (watch my friends list grow)

Beta wolf male gazes up at Alpha male in admiration and pride.

Wolf Pack

Post 63

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Won the battle you childish fool!
What you mean is there has been another day of argumeants built around you, a pointless yikesing causing an argumeant, and another user ending up on pre-mod.....this isn't something to boast about, it is something someone on near permanent pre-mod should be avoiding, I can not believe the amount of times I have stood up for you in the past, you should be building bridges, not "celebrating" battles, which are really the continued disruption of the H2G2 community.....


Post 64

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

I will not sworn at of bullied.

Will all pack members come to my aid.

Wolf Pack

Post 65

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

White Blaze

Wolf Pack

Post 66

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Let's Go Lonesome Wolves!
Howl with pride for we will overcome all obstacles.
May your howls carry on to the stars and beyond
For we are a pack, strong and willing, united in friendship
No one will be left out for we are a team.
Now let's go show them that our pack is strong and can never be separated for we are the Lonesome Wolves

Wolf Pack

Post 67

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Pack stand down

Animal Zone A5460446

Lord Wolfden
smiley - fullmoon

Wolf Pack

Post 68

Lost Soldier Three-----Merry Christmas! (watch my friends list grow)

The pack is strong.

Wolf Pack

Post 69

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Dear Editor please can you move this thread called

Wolf Pack F2095978?thread=1505302


Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack A7835565

Yours truly

William Locke AKA Lord Wolfden
smiley - fullmoon

Wolf Pack

Post 70

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack A7835565 is now the Guide Entry Wolf Pack area.

smiley - fullmoon

Wolf Pack

Post 71

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

lostsoldierthree 'If it ain't broke; break it!'

Navigatorblack AKA Kcalb Rotagivan

Do you still want to be pack members ?

Wolf Pack

Post 72

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack


Let's Go Lord Wolfden Pack! Howl with pride for we will overcome all obstacles. May your howls carry on to the stars and beyond For we are a pack, strong and willing, united in friendship No one will be left out for we are a team. Now let's go show them that our pack is strong and can never be separated for we are the Lord Wolfden Wolves

We act as a pack and protect each other from danger if each of need help or advice of any kind the post a message entilted 'Howl' and a pack member with try and help in any way they can.


Will Locke AKA Lord Wolfden

smiley - fullmoon

Wolf Pack

Post 73

Lost Soldier Three-----Merry Christmas! (watch my friends list grow)

Yes! I ust don't like the spamming of my P.S.

Wolf Pack

Post 74

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

LS3 you are kicked out of the pack you are not worthy as a pack member.

smiley - fullmoon

Wolf Pack

Post 75

Lost Soldier Three-----Merry Christmas! (watch my friends list grow)

*shrugs shoulders*

*picks up Wolf fur and wonders out into the cold*

Wolf Pack

Post 76

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

You could return if you stop telling me how to run my life


Post 77

Lost Soldier Three-----Merry Christmas! (watch my friends list grow)

*unsubscribes and urges others to do so*

Wolf Pack

Post 78

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Have a nice life LS3

As part of the Wolf Pack membership you need to be in my friends list and me on yours.

smiley - fullmoon

Wolf Pack

Post 79


Can i join the wolf pack?Im good at being abusive and nasty so i have good qualifications to be a memeber.

Wolf Pack

Post 80

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

No go away and leave me alone.

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