Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

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Let's Go Lord Wolfden Pack!
Howl with pride for we will overcome all obstacles.
May your howls carry on to the stars and beyond
For we are a pack, strong and willing, united in friendship
No one will be left out for we are a team.
Now let's go show them that our pack is strong and can never be separated for we are the Lord Wolfden Wolves

A wolf


We act as a pack and protect each other from danger if any of us need help or advice of any kind the post a message entilted 'Howl' and a pack member with try and help in any way they can. As part of the Wolf Pack membership you need to be in my friends list and me on yours.


Animal Zone

Muscular Dystrophy

DVD and Film

Grease Monkeys

Wolfden Chat

Howl with pride and confidence for you are yourself Let your spirit run free and soar to the heavens May you never become discouraged from life's problems and tight situations For you must stand and face your destiny without fear, but with courage in your heart And you must remember and be ready for tomorrow is another day. From White Blaze

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