This is the Message Centre for bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

exciting events

Post 1

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

 Well, maybe this thing WILL work..have successfully put 'dont click here' button on my page and can now tell who is online [onsite?].

I just met a real nice fellow/being Feisor, and have actually had a sorta conversation with him/her/it. So nice to be able to come out of the cave and be myself.

Have also actually asked a question of one of the Powers That Be. All seem to be very nice, but I wish I knew something about rounders...

exciting events

Post 2

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Rounders is like softball which is like baseball but played with a softer larger ball. Hope that clears it up. Don't know where you reside but I am in New Zealand and I am trying to find out what time the rounders players are going to the pub so I can raise my glass and toast absent friends at the appropriate time.

exciting events

Post 3

Artretia Dent

I don't click on the don't click here buttons.
I'm not obediant, just stubborn!

exciting events

Post 4

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Wonders if Artrecia Dent classifies her stubbon streak as an exciting event or at best mildly interesting in the way inertia is slightly more noteworthy than boredom.

exciting events

Post 5

Artretia Dent

Of course it's an exiting thing. It's MY stubborn streak!
smiley - winkeye

exciting events verses stubbornness

Post 6

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Testing willpower. If you use the following link, you'll go directly to the submitted

dont click here

Post 7

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

hullo to you all.

Seem to have missed you in all the twists and turns of the Guide. sorry to have not been a proper host. also have had a bout of indigestion from the party over at Garibaldi's. Cant imagine why, us dragons have strong stomachs usually.

Not clicking on 'dont click here' buttons is just as perverse as HAVING a 'dont click here' button, and so I feel it is very appropriate.

Actually I believe I pointed out somewhere else that you could argue a 'dont click here' button is not functioning properly unless someone is NOT clicking...

dont click here

Post 8

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Does your walking frame have flame throwers on the handlebars?

dont click here

Post 9

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

walking frame...flamethrowers...handlebars...


and I missed the rounders AND the toasting part too. DRAT!

dont click here

Post 10

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Are going to the dragons reunion being held in Wales later this year to coincide with the Rugby World Cup? I hear a delegation from the Galàpagos Islands plan on attending.

dont click here

Post 11

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Oh, I wish...but have never tried to make it all the way across the ocean. [have heard your wings get REALLY tired...] an it's a long way from this side of the Atlantic.

Someday I am going to Wales, tho.

dont click here

Post 12

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Maybe if you build a little boat a big, large, huge, enormous, gigantic, Komodo Dragon will tow you across the Atlantic

dont click here

Post 13

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

er...coff, coff...Komodo dragons are lovely and all, but they are rather small compared to 'real' dragons who are, on the average, the size of boxcars.

I, myself, am about 20 feet long. I have friends who are substantially larger, and a few who are smaller.

I think the proper way to travel over the ocean would be in a 'scorch of dragons' -- that's a buncha dragons -- around 15 or 20 or so. Probably make the greggils nervous tho, and make a mess of the airline radar network...

That would give us someone to talk to. An' we could carry picnic hampers with sandwiches and cake and lemonade tied around our necks, so we dont hafta snack along the way. The greggils get really upset when some of us snack on the occasional sheep. [I don't care for them myself, but I know that it happens] That part about the virgins has been blown all out of proportion,tho.

dont click here

Post 14

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Fascinating. Will the Greggils do rhythmical Gregorian chanting as they make their way over the sea? Or perhaps the scorch of dragons can do synchronised swimming? The virgins will become, the people previously known as virgins, after they meet the rugby supporters from New Zealand.

dont click here

Post 15

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

well I'm not going to be responsible for the virgins.

If they want to tag along they will just have to risk it with the rugby supporters. [are they anything like athletic supporters]

dont click here

Post 16

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Hordes of rugby (football) fans desperately seeking virgins and beer. Ex virgins are OK but the beer must be cold.

dont click here

Post 17

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

should virgins/ex-virgins wear appropriate badges? or just carry coolers appropriately filled?

I am willing to bet that crazed Rugby fans would not stop to read badges --

New Zealand is that great big island near Australia, right? I've heard that those Aussies are even more primitive than the ones from the New World colonies...

dont click here

Post 18

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

New Zealand is a group of three islands (2 large 1 small) situated 1200 miles south-east of Australia. Washington is much closer to Moscow than our capital Wellington is to Sydney. The next place after New Zealand is Antarctica. Australians are loud and generally uncouth. The men are far worse. The difference between NZers and Aussies is much the same as the perceived differences between Americans and Canadians. When overseas NZ and Aussie people usually get on quite well together. Any bad behaviour by either group gets blamed on the Aussies. Seems to work out rather well.

Is the snapdragon the official flower of dragons?

dont click here

Post 19

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

yes, and the dragonfly is the official insect

and chock'lit is the official food

dont click here

Post 20

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Through your awesome ability in dragon-boat racing Hollywood knows how to get extras quickly when they are two monsters short of an epic.

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