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Hi Kit
DrMatt Started conversation Jul 5, 2005
It's Matt Macfarlane here. I stumbled across your name whilst reading a thread somewhere on this site (I forget where now), and thought 'that's a familiar name...'
So, a (belated) welcome to H2G2. I joined a bit over a year ago and kind of write various things when time and motivation permits. Initially it was a way to get some psychiatry out of my system while I was doing a general surgical run (yuck).
Anyway, just letting you know that there is the occasional New Zealander on this site.
Carry on.
Hi Kit
kitboyes Posted Jul 8, 2005
Hi,Looking over your home page I realise I'd actually read some of your stuff without realising who was writing. Will resist the temptation to include one or two of your articles amongst the references for Psych run case studies . Am not sure I'm doing much for this site - the only proper piece I've put in here had a huge bad language warning stuck on it by the editor
Good to hear from you, hope life's okay (and Hi to Steph .
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Hi Kit
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