This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Subbing The Improvised Kitchen

Post 1


Hi Mal,
I've been assigned to subedit your entry: A87709378

Confession time - I've had this for absolutely ages. Sorry about that. Anyway, I've made very few changes - mainly on the displacement scale bit. Being a bit of a smiley - geek I think I made it clearer. And I put in a footnote about Archimedes.

Subbing The Improvised Kitchen

Post 2


smiley - footprints

Any comments?

Subbing The Improvised Kitchen

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

Hi Bagpuss, sorry, haven't been online much lately. I'd like a chance to read over it, because it was snatched from PR without me having changed anything, and there were some good suggestions made...

Subbing The Improvised Kitchen

Post 4


Okay, in that case I should give the PR thread a proper read as well.

Subbing The Improvised Kitchen

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, please. It was kind of whisked away under cover of darkness. And now it's been so long, a few more days won't hurt. (Sorry, can't do much about it this week, because life is currently incredibly hectic. Why did I ever think going back to being a student was a good idea?)

Subbing The Improvised Kitchen

Post 6


Mal? Did you have a look at this at all?

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