This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

A Request

Post 1


If I start a message with someone else on h2g2 on their space, can I request you don't butt in here...especially suddenly turning up calling me 'ridiculous''s an ad hominen. I might think you ridiculous in many ways...but I wouldn't turn up just as you had started a message thread with someone and call you 'ridiculous'


Also after such a satisfactory outcome you turn up again to announce an unsubbing.

I wouldn't dream of behaving like that towards you on h2g2.

We are very *different* as people...I try to come to terms with that in others. I don't call them ridiculous..besides which if I did that in real life..I'd be booted out of the community, we are all so different here in south east London; I enjoy that.

A Request

Post 2


Oh right I messed up the link..but you know what I'm referring to.

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