This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony
Lanzababy calling Malabarista
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Started conversation Dec 3, 2011
Hi Mala
Please can you spare a few minutes to make some Scout Picks please? We're trying to keep things moving through Peer Review as fast as possible, so as soon as stuff is ready they can be chosen.
Once we have a bank of sub-edited Entries, we can think of moving to updating the Front page more often than just once a week. (well that is our goal)
Lanzababy calling Malabarista
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Dec 3, 2011
Hi Lanza,
Sorry, not much I can do tonight - staying at a friend's to save me commuting to work, since my car is in for repairs...
But I'll keep it in mind for next week.
Lanzababy calling Malabarista
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Dec 3, 2011
Thanks Mala
Hope your car finally gets fixed - you seem to have no luck with transport, apart from horses. Maybe you need a new place that has a stable block?
Lanzababy calling Malabarista
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Dec 3, 2011
Good idea. Though you wouldn't believe how exhausting it is to drive a carriage for 8 hours. I am very stiff now.
Lanzababy calling Malabarista
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Dec 3, 2011
It sounds really impressive, it must be such an experience as well for the passengers. You'll have to put some photos on Facebook so we can admire you.
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Lanzababy calling Malabarista
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