This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Should you happen to pass through...

Post 41

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Ooh! Exams! smiley - goodluck with those! (Not that you'll need it, but a little extra smiley - goodluck never hurt anyone!)

Been doing some tidying up around the house this weekend. Not that it's particularly messy, just that some chores are relegated to the weekends (laundry, vacuuming up kitty litter, etc) because I don't feel like doing them after work most nights.

Going to visit grandparents-in-law this afternoon. It's almost a two hour drive, so I hope I get the five cups of smiley - coffee I've had this morning out of me before we hit the road! smiley - laugh

Should you happen to pass through...

Post 42

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - ta I'm afraid I will need it, or just a bit more time

I know what you mean, I've had a whole pot of tea by myselfsmiley - erm

I really do need to clean up, my floor is currently one huge filing system for lecture notessmiley - winkeye but it will just have to wait three weeks. At least I should get around to installing the new shower head today.

Have fun on your visit then!

Should you happen to pass through...

Post 43

Malabarista - now with added pony

Saw your photo today - nice!smiley - smiley

Should you happen to pass through...

Post 44

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi! And thanks! smiley - blush

Had a nice visit Sunday, and haven't had a minute to myself since. Beginning of the month is a busy time at work, sheesh!!

I don't think I've seen any pics of you, are you on Az's photo pages at all?

Should you happen to pass through...

Post 45

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, toward the end of the album as it is now.

smiley - cheerup Sorry about work - I need to go too, but I get to work afternoons/evenings now, my boss is being nice about me having to revise - I'm forbidden from showing up at all next weeksmiley - biggrin

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