This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 1


Hello Malabarista, my grandad used to play that instrument. I just wanted to say you sound like a really nice person. I am George by the way 24 m from NW England. I am going to Octoberfest in Munich in 5weeks and noticed that you are German. If you are interested in going or know of the best beers to drink let me know.

George smiley - tongueout

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony


München's a bit far away for me, quite the opposite corner; although I was born in Bavaria I live in North-Rhine Westphalia now. But I may be going to the autumn hootoo German meet in Heidelberg, might be the same time you're in the country... And of course there is only one kind of beer to drink there, they consider anything other than Bavarian beer an abomination of nature smiley - cheers And whatever you do, don't order Weisswurst after noon!

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

And Happy (recent) Birthday! smiley - cake

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 4


Many Thanks my birthday was good. Also I appreciate your input on Germany. I am so looking forward to Munich it will be great. I haven't been to Germany since I was four when we lived in Otter's Osnabruck do you know it? I was there for the first 3.5 years of my life when my dad got posted there with the kings regiment.
As for Munich again we are hoping to visit neighbouring places via Euro train which should be good.

Thanks for your reply.
Feel free to say hello whenever you like.

George smiley - biggrin

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

Hello, then! Never been to Osnabrück myself, but I know whereabouts it's at... Have fun! But I warn you, the train's become horridly expensive.

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 6


So if we were to travel by train via Munich would this become very expensive?

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 7

Malabarista - now with added pony

From where? Look under - they ought to have English as well, and do tell you the prices! But there'S a lot of tricks for getting chepaer tickets too, I can help you look if you like.

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 8


Thank you that's great I will have a look on that website, so where do you live in Germany?

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 9

Malabarista - now with added pony

I live in Wuppertal, quite near Düsseldorf and Cologne.

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 10


Oh Brilliant, where did you learn to speak english so fluently? I have just been in London for four days attended a wedding in the function suite of London zoo, it was very classy.

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 11

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - cool

I once went to a function in the zoo in the "Vista room" which turned out to be a windowless basement!smiley - huh

(As for the English - I lived in the US for eight years and work part-time as a translator)

Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 12


Hello Malabarista how are you? Would you like to hook up in Munich next year? smiley - smooch


Hello Hurdy Gurdy player

Post 13

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Dunno if I can make it to Munich twice in one yeat, other end of Germany...

But welcome back! If you want to go to Munich again, I take it you enjoyed your trip?

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