This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

question about drawing:

Post 1


Hi Mala,
I had a question for you. When you and Dmitri do your Anachy Gordon comic, what sort of drawing program do you like to use?

question about drawing:

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh, hi, Thorn. Not seen you around in a while!

And thanks for the reminder that I must get back to drawing them... smiley - whistle

I draw them the old-fashioned way, using a pencil and paper to sketch them out, then ink them on butterpaper with a dip pen and india ink. Colouring (and touch-ups) are done in Photoshop; I use a tablet now, but did them with a mouse before smiley - ok

question about drawing:

Post 3


Oh okay, cool.
Yeah I've been more active on and deviantArt than h2g2 lately.

I respect the pen and ink. smiley - cool
Myself I can't do india ink worth a smiley - bleep
Something about not quite enough hand-eye to avoid making a mess.

Good to hear from you.
smiley - smiley

question about drawing:

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

I usually only make a mess when the cat is "helping" smiley - winkeye

question about drawing:

Post 5


smiley - yikes Naughty kitty?
Mine tried to help me with pruning yesterday. pulled down some dead twigs from the other plant that were kind of dangling.
smiley - laugh

question about drawing:

Post 6

Malabarista - now with added pony

That's halfway helpful, at least...

Lili is lurking on top of the wardrobe waiting for me to walk by smiley - yikes

question about drawing:

Post 7


smiley - erm Ninjacats.

question about drawing:

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Indeed.

question about drawing:

Post 9


That new bbci ID makes me a little uneasy. Means we can't disappear for whole years at a time only to come back later and still keep our accounts, anymore. smiley - erm

question about drawing:

Post 10

Malabarista - now with added pony

So I'd gathered, because you're posting that in every thread smiley - winkeye

question about drawing:

Post 11


I got the hang of it. I hoped if I talked about it in other threads people who haven't used their accounts in ages might notice just on browsing the site. Also, I never got any sort of memo about it. found out by going on and noticing the sign in button was white and blue now and didn't match the rest of the skin/theme I'd chosen to browse in. smiley - doh

question about drawing:

Post 12

Malabarista - now with added pony

Reading the announcements helps smiley - winkeye

question about drawing:

Post 13


Subscribed to them now and all.
smiley - footinmouth

question about drawing:

Post 14

Malabarista - now with added pony

It didn't really change anything but the logo. I don't see why everyone is making such a fuss.

question about drawing:

Post 15


I think maybe it's the part about needing to post once at least every 6 months or being unable to log into their old account(s) or something to that effect.

And there's bunches of barely active people who only pop on once or twice a year, so some of them may be in for a bit of a nasty shock at first on trying to sign in again.

question about drawing:

Post 16

Malabarista - now with added pony

I can understand the reasoning behind that. It takes up lots of server space to keep all those abandoned accounts active.

question about drawing:

Post 17


That's true.

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