This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 1


finnaly a page with GuideML that isn't a mile long besides Smudgers!

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Yes, the endless ones do get a bit tiresome!

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 3


at a certain point you just grab the scroll bar and yank down to the bottom and scroll uo instead

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

I tend to read magazines backward, anyway smiley - silly

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 5


I read comics backwards since it's actually forward with da ones I read(manga)

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 6

Malabarista - now with added pony

Meh - manga are my least favourite comics. Sorry smiley - laugh

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 7


I only like certain ones and I understand people having different tastes so I don't mind(as long as you don't insult moe) my tastes are very different from anyone who lives round me other then ppl in the wierd ppl group like me. for example I hate all pies but cream pies ... and cheese cake which is technically a pie. nom nom smiley - choc cream pie! by the way it is apparently part of being american to like apple pie but as I said before, yuck.

oh and by the way if you see any ninja ???s wandering round over across the pond then please tell them that they're late for dinner

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

Like this?

Waaaaaait - if you're American, what are you doing on the computer? Even if you're on the East coast, it's far too early for a Saturday. If you're on the West coast, it's four am! Not dinnertime by anyone's standards smiley - laugh

(Apple pie isn't terribly "American", anyway - just about every country that has apples makes some version of apple pie. Anything involving marshmallow fluff is a better example smiley - winkeye)

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 9


apple pie is the pie that most americans think of when they think of pie. oh and I stay up till 3am on weekdays 5am on weekends smiley - winkeye and I'm mountaun time therefore 7 hours behind you ... I thinksmiley - cool

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 10

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh, I stay up very late myself smiley - whistle

(And I'm GMT+1, so eight hours smiley - ok)

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 11


geez time is hard to keep track of ... by the way what's it like eight hours in the future? have they cured cancer yet?

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 12

Malabarista - now with added pony

No, but they have finally beat that stupid dragon in Neverwinter Nights smiley - whistle

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 13


neverwinter nights?

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 14

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yup smiley - dragonsmiley - biggrin

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 15


...?smiley - erm

OMG! it's the kid with da face!

Post 16

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh, I thought you were wondering how anyone can still play that. (It's an rpg - but not that old. smiley - laugh)

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