This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Some advice, please.

Post 21


Ah, that one's not too hard, you'll be glad to hear! smiley - smiley

Go to File -> Create

Pick "Scanner/Camera"

A box will come up where you choose your scanner. Pick the one you want, and hit "Select".

Then, you'll get a little preview screen.

For "Select Source", pick "Document (Grayscale)" - it's better for shades of grey, like pencil sketches. smiley - ok

Then click Preview, or Scan.

If it looks very pale, smiley - dontpanic we can sort that out afterwards! smiley - ok

Some advice, please.

Post 22

Yael Smith

Will do this tomorrow, as pooter is still recovering from a nervous breakdown. It doesn't like not getting attention.smiley - erm

Some advice, please.

Post 23


Yeah, sure! Whenever you find the time. smiley - smiley

Some advice, please.

Post 24

Yael Smith

Scanned the image and you can see some of the page behind it... looks quite pale but definitely visible.

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