This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

didn't want to keep going off topic

Post 1


but I do think if an entry has been rejected by the Eds the Scout could comment on the thread about the reasons without saying it's been rejected.

Something like 'this is looking good but needs more work in certain areas'.

I know it's not all about just one entry, but if the Eds are rejecting picks, which is why entries are sitting in PR for weeks, then the Researcher has no clue where to go and what to do, so even now, if I wanted to put that entry back into PR and try again, I'd have no clue what it is the Eds are objecting to. Only the Scout can tell me.

Is this happening with other entries? I ask because this is going some way to answering my question about why entries are being ignored. If the Eds are saying no, well, that's my answer and I can move onto 'why aren't the authors getting the feedback to improve'.

Hope you don't mind me bringing this here, but you're the only person who has gone anyway to answering it, and this is the reason why I don't write for h2g2 anymore, and why I don't recommend the site to other people anymore.

didn't want to keep going off topic

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sorry, I can't tell you because the Eds don't tell us *why* they reject something, just that they do! I suspect that in this case, it was because the only comments were from me, and we had opposing views - so more comments from me wouldn't have helped.

I do go through PR regularly asking how Entries that haven't had comments in a while are coming, but as an author, you do have to take responsibility for your own entries and remind people they're there.

It's best not to do this with a smiley - boing or "Any more comments?" but to tell us which changes you're making - or even to ask for advice on areas you're not certain of. smiley - ok

didn't want to keep going off topic

Post 3


I realise how it works, but I hadn't made any changes, so in that case a bit difficult. Didn't realise the Eds stopped telling Scouts why they say now. smiley - erm Then people wonder where it's all going wrong. No feedback from the Eds!?

didn't want to keep going off topic

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

Not unless we badger them specifically, no. You just get a form e-mail saying "we haven't accepted your recommendation".

And maybe you should've made changes, then smiley - winkeye

didn't want to keep going off topic

Post 5


Nobody told me I needed any. Back to 'ignored for 5 weeks' ho hum.

didn't want to keep going off topic

Post 6

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - shrug Obviously, you weren't going to act on my comments - you have one way of training your dog, I have another. So it made no sense for me to keep talking.

Just ignoring it yourself for five weeks won't help matters any - commenting yourself will keep it on the first page, which means people are more likely to find it and comment on it. You need to take responsibility for your own entry getting attention, you know.

I'm not going to apologise for your entry not getting comments. I was one of the few people who *was* commenting on it, you'll recall. So go accuse someone else, please.

didn't want to keep going off topic

Post 7


Well, wasn't accusing you at all. Was trying to have a discussion about WHY entries are ignored, and you were the only one who made any comment about it at all.

If you don't want to discuss it but get all precious then fine.

didn't want to keep going off topic

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

It looks to me like you're ragging on me about not having done enough for you. smiley - shrug

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