This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony


Post 61

Malabarista - now with added pony

I've tried all the smiley - geeks I know, they're puzzled too. So was the guy at the computer shop, he'S not figured it out yet. But it shouldn't go over 100€

(Soy sausage is pointless. It's the taste of meat I dislike!)


Post 62


ah! I have to admit with soya sausages it's the look that I dislike!

Puzzled? Did the guy in the computer shop suck his teeth and kinda do a reverse whistle and say something like 'Not seen one like that before' when he had a look?


Post 63

Malabarista - now with added pony

Luckily not, that would be a *very* bad sign. But I only got some kind of junior tecchie, who was trying to do all the things I'd already done without success. He phoned up the other guy, who said he'd look at it this evening.


Post 64


smiley - laugh
Some things are universal are they not? Such as the body language for "I'm about to rip you off" smiley - smiley

Evening repair eh? Check the harddrive afterwards smiley - winkeye

Sorry, bored @ work at the moment. Just handed the code over to the testers who ran it through and sent a message backs aying 'Woo! It worked!' so it's bound to go horribly wrong sometime soon...

So you borrowing someone elses to work on at the moment? (I'm assuming your design is done on t'computer and not on a huge great easel/drawing board type thing with A1 paper?)


Post 65

Malabarista - now with added pony

No, luckily I have a laptop, and even more luckily, most of my desing was on it. But I need the second one for rendering, it's just sooooo slow!

And A1 paper is tiny, I'm plotting at over A0 on this one!

smiley - goodluck with your code - what are you developing?


Post 66


I work on a project that does all the English and WelshGovt. Learning programmes. Some of it is higher ed, but a lot of it is training schemes, apprenticeships, on the job training, all those things the Govt. gives out money for to companies, as well as some back-to-work based training. Bit I am doing at the moment works with the European funding for education, which targets specific demographics. All very boring, and I'd really rather not be doing it, but any port in a storm as they say!

Over A0? Blimey, thank god for computers eh?

My mate did some graphics rendering thingy at uni for his course. Set it up on our student home network and used the other computers to help the rendering. Except he got it a bit wrong and it shoved all the rendering on our computers and then sat there on his saying it had nothing to do! Cheecky wotsit!

So how far off do you think you are?


Post 67

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sounds fascinating. My parents did that kind of thing before, job interview trainers and the like. I always had to test the stupid things smiley - headhurts

I've got exams in a month and it has to be done by then - and I'm still far from done. The design is finished in my head, i'd say, but i still have to do a lot of drawing and building models, in the comp and out of wood


Post 68

Malabarista - now with added pony

By the way, reenactment-wise, can you recommend somewhere to get armour, more particularly helmets? I'm looking for early/high middle ages, possibly a great helm.


Post 69


ones we use are (in order of my perceived desirabilitysmiley - smiley

These guys make good no nonsense armour, he uses his own in full contact re-enactment. Its not meant to be pretty, it's meant to work, and be good value. You can get 'assemble yourself' versions too:

Then theres these guys who are very very good, but I dunno, there's something stopping them being A1 in my book. I think it is that everyone I know wants these guys armour:

And there is this guy who I think makes the best armour:

Have a look at the various photo galleries and see what you like for the period you want. All of them may or may not have stock though. These may be too early for you, if so, say so!

all these may or may not have a helmet in stock. Great helm is earlier middle ages. 15th century is barbut/sallet really. Obviously though you can wear earlier periods in later and say you got it off the local lord for a favour (your choice what emphasis you put on that!). It's how I explain having a black leather sword scabbard whilst being an obvious top level peasant!

BUT there is some good stuff coming out of Czechoslovakia at the moment which is cheap, dunno the quality though.


Post 70

Malabarista - now with added pony

Thanks! I'm not sure about teh period yet, either Cruasades or Normans/Vikings to fit in with the troop I'm training with.

(And I use the "favour from a Lord" excuse all the time as a jugglersmiley - winkeye)


Post 71


and you should know that we greet people in great helms with a rousing chorus of "He's got a coal scuttle, on his, a coal scuttle, on his head..etc" to the tune of 'hes got the whole world, in his hands, hes the whole wide world' if you know that one.

But then we can be very silly!


Post 72

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, ours do that toosmiley - winkeye And we tell him he's got a spot on his shirt, he can't see it - and they make great impromptu drumsetssmiley - winkeye

I'm tending toward a conical "Spangenhelm" with a chain mail cowl at the moment.

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