This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Small world! Or, great minds think alike...

Post 1

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi there!

I was just doing my early morning skim of random "Ask" convos, and saw you mention that you're thinking of doing an EG entry about green corpse disposal. Oddly enough, I've been pondering this for a few years, and Slate magazine published an article about just that earlier this past week: . Maybe this will be useful to you in your research.

Small world! Or, great minds think alike...

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Thanks. That's the Slate article that started me researching it in the first place. smiley - whistle

Maybe we can collaborate. smiley - smiley

Small world! Or, great minds think alike...

Post 3

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm sure I could swing a little research... it's the actual writing bit I don't muck care for. smiley - laugh

You know, up until I read that article, I thought I must be the only freak on earth pondering how to best dispose of my remains. I'd decided I want to be cremated in my teens (I didn't want to waste money, or space, being interred). I'll have to make sure they yank all my fillings and other metal bits while they're taking all my organs out.

Some people think you're morbid for trying to plan ahead. smiley - erm

Small world! Or, great minds think alike...

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh I thought I'd find traditional means of burial/disposal, do a section on why we even care about what happens to the bodies of the dead now that they're no longer needed in the afterlife, describe the ecological and environmental impact of the modern methods and then what to do about it. So if you want to help out with any of that...

We could call it "Happily Ever After" smiley - whistle

I filled out my organ donor card long ago smiley - zen Even before my mother lost a kidney...

Small world! Or, great minds think alike...

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader


I'll see how much help or use I can be. Just tell me what to do and I'll give it a go. I anticipate some decent down time here and there, some of which could surely be utilized for this purpose.

Honestly, I'm tickled to know that at least one other person cares about the subject. I'm willing to bet such an entry would be well received.

I'm also not averse to doing GuideML markup. As for writing, I get all stream-of-consciousness and you'll probably have to arrange any thoughts I might come up with into something resembling sense. smiley - winkeye

Digging up (np pun intended) traditional means of disposal sounds entertaining. I can imagine what our IT department will think if/when I do any of that research at the office. smiley - laugh

Small world! Or, great minds think alike...

Post 6

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh That's about how Robyn and I wrote the one on grooming horses...

We can use this as a resource, too: A2451683

I'm sure it'll be one that creates some discussion, at least!

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