This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony


Post 1

Sho - employed again!

thank you so much for the cookies!
they are yummy

before we meet next time, remind me to return your tin - I know it's a pain if you give them out and never get them back again

smiley - kiss


Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - biggrin Glad you like it. And keep the tin, if you have a use for it. I've got too many as is, I keep acquiring them smiley - laugh


Post 3

Sho - employed again!

OK, I'll bake and pass it on.

Btw, what's the jam you used as filling?


Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

Cherry with no chili smiley - winkeye

But I did add a little rum and some spices. smiley - whistle


Post 5

Sho - employed again!

I guessed it was one of your own concoctions!

(kind of missing the chili smiley - run)


Post 6

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh I'll make you a special batch smiley - evilgrin

The cherries are from my mother's trees, too smiley - drool

Oh, and I added a spoonful of strawberry, since there wasn't enough of the cherry.


Post 7

Sho - employed again!

as long as none of the christmas cookies feature Sambal Olek! smiley - run


Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - tongueout No, the spicies thing in there will be the ginger. smiley - laugh

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