This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony
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KB Posted Feb 13, 2008
Yes, I suspect there may be a lot of work for architects in Ireland in the near future. You could do worse - unemployment is practically zero here for the last lot of years and there's a lot of building going on.
I can just imagine it. "Units to let: Stunning Malabarista development on outskirts of Dublin. Each unit complete with murder hole above front door, jousting hall and orchestra pit for minstrels..."
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Feb 14, 2008
sounds promising!
Very likely. Though I'm specialising in renovating/reusing old buildings, hopefully some will come with pre-installed moats
KB Posted Feb 14, 2008
Is that a threat or something? "Getting here before my shoulder's better is your only hope of survival!"
I don't think I'll be heading anywhere east of Portavogie or south of Dublin until April or May at the earliest. So I'm doomed!
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