This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony
Hello Mala!
Landok Started conversation Jan 28, 2008
Hello Mala!
This is the h2g2 member who you once knew as CYBERHUMAN writing to you. I know we haven't spoken to each other for a long time, but that's because I've had very severe computer problems that started back in April of last year and are still continuing even as we speak, well write anyway. These computer problems prevented me from being able to access the Internet and it's only been since the autumn of last year that I have been able to gain regular access to the Internet once more. This is because I now have a laptop which I can use to get on the Internet.
Unfortunately, with there being so many months in between not being able to get on the Internet and being able to get back on it, I had completely forgotten the password I used to log in as CYBERHUMAN, and despite trying desperately hard to remember it so I could get back on h2g2, I cannot remember the password at all. So I have had to create a new h2g2 identity called Landok, with a password that I'm confident I can remember much more easily in the future.
My CYBERHUMAN identity is now extinct and my Landok persona will be the identity I shall be using from now on. My much-loved cyborg warrior has now gone into retirement, and my new reptilian humanoid self has now just been born.
Of course, having just re-entered h2g2 after almost an entire year of absence, I'm having to remember how this place works once again, and part of that process involves establishing contact in my new identity with all the friends on h2g2 that I had as CYBERHUMAN. So if you could please add me in my Landok identity to your list of friends, I'd be extremely grateful as we can then start communicating with each other on here again.
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Hello Mala!
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