This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Dr. Who and Sky TV

Post 1

Einmoto - CoachAntony

Hi Mal,

yes, I am in Germany but have a sky view card

great for BBC 1 to 4 plus lots of other stuff and all in English - my saviour. Alleviates my Heimweh ... even though I've been here about 15 years or so.

Got everything ready for Christmas? Have a great Heilig Abend!smiley - biggrin

Dr. Who and Sky TV

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

Ah, good plan, thanks smiley - smiley I don't have a TV myself, but my (American) stepdad misses English programming, and we all prefer our TV undubbed smiley - winkeye

Almost done, yes, just a few more things left to bake - I'll get to do that while the others decorate the tree tomorrow, and we'll have to find some busywork for my grandmother to keep her out of our hair. smiley - winkeye

How do you celebrate? Mixed traditions? smiley - laugh

Dr. Who and Sky TV

Post 3

Einmoto - CoachAntony

Very much so ... a bit here and a bit there! We've had our (mine) English Christmas tree since the 1st Advent - my children and the neighbour's children help in the decorating - very brash, lots of tinsel and fairy lights. Tomorrow Christmas tree Nr. 2 for Christmas Eve celebrations! With real candles and apples, etc. more classy, than the tacky English one - but that's just us! The neighbours do look at us a bit funny, though (especially the postman).

We have decided to split the presents into two - one on Heiligabend and the rest on Christmas morning (under the English Christmas tree) - see how it goes.

I used to tell my children that it is a long way from Germany to England - that's why the children gets their presents the day after the German children! Still can't get this big stick (RĂ¼te) Father Christmas, though!!

Do you also mix and match cultures?

Dr. Who and Sky TV

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

That sounds like a fun way to do it! smiley - biggrin Who cares what the postman thinks.

And yes, we're also hopelessly mix and match smiley - winkeye Only one tree, though. Real candles last year, but not this year - we have two young kittens smiley - laugh The tree goes up tomorrow. And on Boxing Day the entire family meets, that's always *interesting* - a few years ago, we had five of the six major world religions present, so it's not really a Christmas party anymore.

We don't mix as much as my grandfather, though. He wrote that this year, they're not exchanging gifts for Christmas. Instead, they bought a lot of toys and donated them to a Christmas toy drive organised by his synagogue! smiley - laugh He writes holiday cards with "Oy Joy" in them. smiley - winkeye

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