This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony
Subbing Dracula's Ancestors
Gnomon - time to move on Started conversation Sep 3, 2007
I've finished sub-editing Dracula's Ancestors. The sub-edited version is at A26353677. Have a look over it to see if there is anything further you would like me to do, or anything I've done that you don't like.
Subbing Dracula's Ancestors
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Sep 3, 2007
Ah, right. If you could just change (in the first paragraph) "the modern vampire" to "the classical vampire" - we had rather a long debate about that in PR, and decided that "modern" vampires would be the ones in Buffy or the like, and "classical" vampires can be distinguished from "traditional" ones in the same way architecture or music could be
I like the extra links you've added
Oh, perhaps one other thing. The section:
"They can be got rid of by boiling in holy water and then scrubbing with a broom, which must subsequently be burned.
Protecting Yourself from Vampires
Not all vampires are this harmless and easy to get rid of, so it is important to know good methods of dealing with vampires."
uses "get rid of" twice in a row - a bit unelegant. Maybe we can substitute "eliminate" for one of them?
and this: "Every grave was opened, three years after death if a child's, five for a young person's, and seven for an adult" - perhaps do put an "'s" after "adult", as the other two both use it.
Those are my mistakes, but I can't change them anymore
Otherwise, thanks! Looks good. My first ever solo entry, I'm rather excited
Subbing Dracula's Ancestors
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Sep 3, 2007
Vampire Hunting for Beginners?
Subbing Dracula's Ancestors
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Sep 3, 2007
I'm afraid that won't work, as the point is that amateurs can't hunt them, just Dhampirs.
Maybe something more along the lines of "The Common or Field Vampire"
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Subbing Dracula's Ancestors
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