This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 321


Read it , will ask D for a call on it one way or another. But as the over-soul of your characters I need to know. You have always been so honest - I'm not sure if my character has the best of motives here either - it does seem to be a little grandstandy

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 322

Malabarista - now with added pony

Grandstandy? smiley - huh Sorry, don't know what you mean.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 323


Showboating - being self aggrandizing at the expense of someone else.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 324

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - erm

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 325


Sabian has a call on the RPG.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 326

Malabarista - now with added pony

Thanks - sorry, was in the shower. smiley - puff

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 327


no problem.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 328

Malabarista - now with added pony

My flatmates had to block it for hours, of course, knowing I needed in there, and used up all the hot water to boot smiley - rolleyes

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 329


smiley - yikes too bad. Their prey is gone.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 330

Malabarista - now with added pony

I've decided to ignore them - but that shower felt good anyway, after training smiley - rofl

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 331


Mala, you go ahead and get Quiri to eat-- I got to make supper.sorry got a hungry Ferguson to feed.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 332

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sure, that's a bigger priority!

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 333


Mala, can we pick up the pace abit - to get things done in say an hour and a half , I'm sorry but D is tired. Would william Larris be able to say something in the ceremony? Quirinus has a lot of respect for hm and it might bhelpful getting rid of his paperwork guilt.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 334


Besides your tired after your training I bet and shouldn't be up all night.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 335

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sure - picking up the pace! smiley - smiley

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 336


Mala what was the name of the older male faun back on Rigel V - it started with an A.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 337

Malabarista - now with added pony

Arcanthus - like the Greek weed, but with an R smiley - winkeye

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 338


Thanks Mala.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 339

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sure smiley - smiley

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 340


Mala, we'll do the ceremony in the sauna tomorrow, sorry it got so late. i am sure it was my fault. But we'll see if we can get it done earlier tomorrow. OK? It won't be as good as a Dmitri production but it should be fun.

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