Journal Entries


What an odd week! What a surprise to find out that there is hate so great that it can make an entire nation weep. Also, what a surprise to see the best of human nature in the fire fighters, police and volunteers that are doing what they need to do in New York.

Life must go on, lets hope and pray that level heads are kept, love is offered and peace is hoped for. I'll do my part here in the midwest of the United States, and hope that others do theirs in this country and around the world.

Peace friends, the world is mainly good.

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2001


So, because I'm not a religious person, whenever anyone is discussing religion and asks me what I am, I say I'm druish. I've done this for quite some time. Recently, I was at a party with a bunch of moms from my kids school. They were discussing holidays and were asking me about holidays. They kept asking about going to services on Friday night and Yom Kippur and how I feel about the big fuss made at Christmas. Finally I said "I don't know what the heck you are talking about" One of the moms said "You told us you were JEWISH". I said "NO!!! I Said DRUISH!!! YOU KNOW DRUIDS?????". Blank faces, and stony silence. So I turned back and said "Yes, it is quite a bummer to have services on Friday. Sort of ruins the whole weekend" and everyone was happy. I am looking forward to all the menorah I'll get as presents in the next holiday season.

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2001

Very sad

Nothing exciting has been happening. I just realized that as I went to type this. Oh yes I was at a party on Friday nite. Much dancing, much music. The sad thing is that this group of friends has traditional songs we must play everytime we are together. We have to play Ac/Dc (you shook me all night long), Spandau Ballet (True - just to sing loudly the emotional "TRUE!!!!"), and a whole host of other genres. Unfortunately, there is a tradition of singing a Neil Diamond song (one of our members does an excellent "bah bah bah" in the song Sweet Caroline, before you think that this is a group of oldsters like me, the ages in this group range from 22-42) Here is the embarrasing thing. At midnight the police came to complain about the loud music. Very embarrasing to be busted for playing Neil Diamond too loud. I can only imagine if we needed to go to court. "Um, yessir, Judge, we did commit the infraction, um, the song? Um, that would be Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond". Damn, would ruin my rep.

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2000

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