Journal Entries

Extreme Civility

Is it possible to be too civil? Parts of the US, in both the geographic and cultural senses, seem to live by the maxim "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". This thing of not saying anything at all may have caused a big problem for the whole world.

Somebody maybe should have shed enough of their civility to have told our Head of State that he was full of bad ideas and offensive habits.

Maybe it's not too late.

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Latest reply: Jul 25, 2005

Here? & Now? Great Concepts!

It is so easy to be always "streaming" something. Right now, it is, but could very well be one of the cbc stations in any one of those time zones all across North America or something on BBC (The Big Awesome!) I find it irresistable to try to read, write or both, while this is going on. In addition there is all the thinking about details... like how can I spellcheck this (maybe I should just get the bitsy bound Oxford thesarus thing I bought in Kensington in the spring of '01? or crank up the pocket p c and use that to check spelling?) My friend Margaret, who is 63, thinks she has adult attention deficit disorder. She has gone off to find an MD to write an Rx to help her focus. On everything? I wonder. smiley - magic

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Latest reply: May 12, 2005

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