This is a Journal entry by ScrupleBin

Here? & Now? Great Concepts!

Post 1


It is so easy to be always "streaming" something. Right now, it is, but could very well be one of the cbc stations in any one of those time zones all across North America or something on BBC (The Big Awesome!) I find it irresistable to try to read, write or both, while this is going on. In addition there is all the thinking about details... like how can I spellcheck this (maybe I should just get the bitsy bound Oxford thesarus thing I bought in Kensington in the spring of '01? or crank up the pocket p c and use that to check spelling?) My friend Margaret, who is 63, thinks she has adult attention deficit disorder. She has gone off to find an MD to write an Rx to help her focus. On everything? I wonder. smiley - magic

Here? & Now? Great Concepts!

Post 2


It's OK that I am talking to myself? I guess it's the safest thing to do in these strange times.
Remember "sticks and stones can break my bones ... "? Well now it's: sticks and stones and irresponsible news magazines can cause riots in which people kill many many other people, but words aren't supposed to be used that way! are they?
So what do you suppose is going on here?
If I'm talking to myself and I say something really lethal, do I risk an untimely demise, and will it be called a suicide?smiley - run
Or a typo?smiley - sadface

Here? & Now? Great Concepts!

Post 3


That Newsweek "situation" is not going away. Sticks and stones and other weaponry, exclusive of words, and words woven into worrisome little stories, are still at the forefront as causes of injury, serious injury, and worse. The ultimate defensive weapon needs to be rushed to completion. There's very little that's amiss anywhere that wouldn't be made better by a really nicely designed time machine.

Who's working on that?smiley - erm

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