This Morning

<h3><font color=gray><I>This morning, while sipping a glass of wine in the yard swing, because I couldln't sleep, and should have had the wine the night before instead, I relized there were things missing from my life...things I used to love, things I still love, and I decided to commit myself to one. I love the Gulf Stream. I am in love with the Gulf Stream, and I wonder how old it is, and when it began, and what it's childhood was like.
I live in a place which the Gulf Stream simply ignores. It passes right by. We are always out of it's path here, by, well, I would say, 20 miles or so. We can wave to it, but we can't see it. We can place our hellos and goodbyes on it, amd boarding it like an Am-Trak in the sky, they move on to other places, but we do not. The Gulf Stream doesn't visit here anymore.


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