This is the Message Centre for Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Message to Volunteer - Kristina the Flamenco dancer

Post 1

h2g2 Operations


You are listed as being a member of the ACE volunteer scheme.

Are you still an active member of that volunteer scheme? Please respond to this message.

Also, please ensure that the email address you have entered in your preferences is a current address.

On a related note, we are asking all volunteers to please read and consent to follow the new h2g2 Volunteer Code of Conduct A87765736 Just leave a comment in the 'I promise' thread, stating you've read and agree with the Code of Conduct.

That public promise will earn you an updated badge on your Personal Space (once the last kink in code gets ironed out).

If we hear nothing from you by 31 August 2012, we will assume that you are no longer active, and you will be awarded a badge for retired volunteers.

Thank you.
Milla, for h2g2 Operations smiley - cogs

Message to Volunteer - Kristina the Flamenco dancer

Post 2

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Hi Milla smiley - hug

I didn't realize I was still listed as an ACE, I resigned ages ago. And since, these days, I rarely use this researcher ID (but I might keep her in case we do some RPing in the Atelier) I'd be happy for Kristina to be listed as retired.


Message to Volunteer - Kristina the Flamenco dancer

Post 3

h2g2 Operations

Thanks, Ti.

It feels silly to post the same standard message to everyone, but there is quite a number who are listed in the system, even if we sort of know who has retired and how has not. But this is exactly the kind of dialogue we want smiley - hug. Thanks for your efforts as an ACE - in time, you will get the retired badge smiley - smiley

smiley - cogs

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