Journal Entries

The Arrival II

Yowzupman and NYC have arrived! NYC in a quite smashing black suit which he seems a tad less than at ease in. Yowzuman arrived on... a Harley Davidson. I believe the slang term is /hog/. Oh well. They're here, and that's the important thing.

I have added two guests to the list: Asteroid Lil and Witty Moniker. I should have invited them all along, but I overlooked something. I eagarly await their RSVPs.

Afgncaap5 and Minos Krymla have yet to show themselves, but I am looking forward to tomorrow, when I expect them. Hors D'oeuvres are being served in the sitting room for the guests, though Lord Blackstone distastfully had curry delivered earlier. Really, how did he attain the same title that I hold... well, he is older.

Michelle seems to be overly excited at having so many famous and infamous characters here. I shall have to speak with her. She's been preparing the rooms, but still has several to go.

Lord Refelction

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Latest reply: Nov 4, 2000

The Arrival

Well, the invitations have been sent out and the guests have begun to arrive. I have made some special. . . purchases. My butler will soon have to make the rooms ready for the guests. Here's a brief summary of the status of my guests:

Afgncaap5: I've heard he will not be online until Saturday. I hope that, if he must late, he is the last to arrive. I want to have dinner served as soon as possible.

Garius Lups: Arrived in Victorian finery, and in a timely fashion. What a gentleman. Perhaps he is one of the Werewolves of London I've heard of. I'd like to meet his taylor.

Uncle Heavy: Showed up at my door dressed (surprise, surprise) in a tuxedo. I must say it fit him well, he is a very hansome man. I hope he enjoys himself.

Peet: The first guest to arrive was dressed, somewhat to my dismay, in bluejeans, but he will hopefully add some character to this crowd.

Mew: Floating as usual, Mew arrived just behind Peet, and should be an interesting addition to the guest list. I don't know Mew as well as I know some of the others. He seems to fit in well, though.

Minos Krymla: Like Affy, probably will be a late arrival. I just hope they don't show up at the door together!

The Big Bad Werewolf: Quite stunning in his pinstripe suit, he may just be the life -- or death -- of the party. Perhaps he knows some swing music to entertain the guests with on piano. He sure looks like he would be a Big Bad Voodoo Daddy fan.

Lord Blackstone (Aka "The Masque of the Red Rejection eMail"): Arrived dressed to kill. Perhaps literally. He checked a wide array of arms at the door, but I have no idea of his intentions. The mask he wears is just a bit much, don't you think?

Yowzupman: Has yet to RSVP or arrive.

NYC Student: Has yet to RSVP or arrive. Perhaps I need to get the attention of these last two in a more direct fashion.

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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2000

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