Journal Entries

Calling Time

I sent my voice before me
To where days past
Whose names I did not know
For they did not stop to chat which me,
Rather marching endlessly
No beginning or ending
Just days passing,
An endless journey to the sea

PAJ - 11/00

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Latest reply: Nov 21, 2000

Something else I read

FORGIVENESS By George Roemisch

Forgiveness is the wind-blown
bud which blooms in placid beauty
at Verdun.
Forgiveness is the tiny slate-gray
sparrow which bas built its nest of
twigs and string among the shards
of glass upon the wall of shame.
Forgiveness is the fragrance of
the violet which still clings fast to
the heel that crushed it.
Forgiveness is the broken dream which
hides itself within the corner
of the mind oft called forgetfulness,
so that it will not bring pain to the
Forgiveness is the reed which
stands up straight and green when
nature's rampage halts, full
Forgiveness is a God who will not
leave us after all we have done.

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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2000

On death, hell, and John Cleese

Envy of the dead...

I imagine the devil as John Cleese, with one of his best snobby British accents,
Sorry, no really sorry, there has been no mistake...
Yes you are in fact dead, and yes you dammed...
No there is nothing you can do about it...
Little bit late for that don't you think.

An eternity of certainty know what each day, hour, minute, and second brings,
Yes, your still dammed...
Look I can't help you...
No it's not because I don't want to... though I don't.
It's just that you are dammed see, Dammed with a capital "D"

Perhaps your flesh boiling away from your body, the hot caress of the lake of fire
Really, you think that your were never given copy of the bible...
What's that you weren't???
I not sure, if that makes for extenuating circumstances...
Ah, here it is chapter four. Section 6, Sub-Paragraph 3

Or even an eternity of nonexistence, no begin, no end, no anything
Now look here just 'cause 'e was a 'eathen, son of 'eathens,
Does not mean that you all are also,
No 'e doesn't exist anymore 'e isn't anywhere...
Look bugger off or I'll turn the heat up!!!

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Latest reply: Sep 9, 2000


Sleep comes like the night slowly easing it until it its taken over ...

Kinda like the government.

smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Sep 2, 2000

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