This is the Message Centre for Sooterkin

Hi there!

Post 1


See people do leave messages!! Hi and welcome to h2g2!

So are you going to write some entries for the Guide? What do you think would be the best hot topics for you?

smiley - smiley

Have fun...

Hi there!

Post 2

Omicron - Master of Hyperspace and Chanter of arcane superstring equations

Hi Sooterkin, just thought I'd stop by and roll out the red carpet on behalf of the goes

As you can see from the name, I'm one of the Aces(Assistant Community Editors)and in the true tradition of all Aces, I wander H2G2, welcoming newcomers. For the official stuff, try the Newcomers Welcome Page at or the Aces homepage at And if you'd like to pop along and bump my visitor counter up, you'd be most welcome...just click on my name.

If you need anything, just holler, I'll be around to help, or at least find someone who can...

Catch ya later

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