Journal Entries


I really wish the news would stop using the phrase 'The former Soviet Republic of...' These countries are trying to re-establish their national identies. Get off thier backs!

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2000

getting there...

i've been playing around with GuideML. have come up with a method that's working fairly good for me... type my stuff in a text editor, copy-paste into my HTML editor for adding italics, blockquotes and the like, copy-paste the body into an editor that handles UNIX text format to add the GuideML tags, and finally copy-paste into the edit boxes here. thinking about writing a GuideML editor in VB.

got one entry finished, The Ten Films, a thought exercise. posted the introduction to another, Racing.

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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2000


Hottest day of the year, and they had the heat on at the office! What, being surrounded by computers pumping out BTU's isn't enough??

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Latest reply: Aug 31, 2000

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Bobin' Along (with the flow)

Researcher U151092

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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