This is the Message Centre for tabatha


Post 1


I thought that I could smell something good on the way over here...!


We like chocolate cake... smiley - smiley

*Take a large piece of cake over to one of the bean bags, and flops satisfyingly into it. Not being able to resist the cake any longer, take a hugh bit, getting most of it around his face*

This cake is really good, thank Tab..! smiley - smiley

- BeerMatt smiley - fish


Post 2


Ypur welcome BM... theres a bit of lemon meringue pie over on the 'chocolate cake and beanbags' thread if you would like some of that... im kind of hosting a tea party there but everyone keeps falling asleep in the beanbags... pop your head in there and see what their up to, last I heard they were trying to use the force to move the cake to their mouths as lifting it was just too hard!!!


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