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The Color Is ....

Post 1

Not SpudBoy

Dark red. Blood colored, actually. I'm not entirely sure, but this could have SOMETHING to do with blood in my eye lids.

Now, please tell me what you know about me.

The Color Is ....

Post 2


Your dont have a very good imagination.......
thats all I can tell from that - go have a look at the 'colour behind your eyelids' thread to check out the other colours people wee, some people see the wierdest s**t.... its heaps cool. What do you think it means????????

The Color Is ....

Post 3


Sorry, that was meant to be
'the other colours people SEE' not wee - which could also be interesting, but there is likely to be less variation and its likely to be somewhat more affected by consumption and ingestion rather than imagination or anything else......

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